Optimize your Immune Health
Nearing the end of Summer, it is time to make preparations for the upcoming Winter season that is so often referred to as “cold-and-flu-season”.
Nearing the end of Summer, it is time to make preparations for the upcoming Winter season that is so often referred to as “cold-and-flu-season”.
How Much Body Fat is Acceptable? If excess body fat is indeed a threat to our health, we should have an idea what amount of
Eliminating Visceral Fat Visceral Adipose Tissue (aka visceral fat) is important to understand due to its tight association with metabolic disease. Unfortunately, the presence of
Visualizing Visceral Fat Visceral fat can easily be visualized on routine imaging studies, particularly on CT (computed tomography) and MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), both of
Visceral Fat – Know the Enemy Not all fat is created equal. Different types and different locations of fat have remarkably different effects on our
Sex Differences in Fat Storage Body fat In general, women have more body fat than men. Studies looking at morbidity and mortality among adults suggest